Monday, September 26, 2016

The Mormon Vote

So, if you've been following this blog for any amount of time then you know I'm a kind of weird guy with kind of weird thoughts. Recently I had this weird though; It the Church was a person (and a US citizen to boot) who would they vote for in the upcoming election? normally such a thought would have gone wherever all bad ideas go. But before that could happen I realized I had access to the internet, which is a place where bad ideas flourish! So I came up with a plan to answer that very question.
For your consideration, the Deseret Party, now with at least five (5!) more stars on our logo that any other party!

Here's the rules I used.
1. I used the quiz on I Side With to get my answer. Maybe an internet quiz isn't the best way to get an answer, but what ever.
2. I would answer the questions using only official LDS statements. Mainly from and
3. If the Church has not issued a statement regarding the issue in the question then I would leave the question blank.
4. Nobody should take this too seriously, this is an extremely unscientific experiment. So don't get sassy about what turns up, ya walnut.

All set up and ready to go!

Like any good Pseudo-Scientist, I took meticulous notes.
And awaaaaaaay we go!

Abortion- easy
Same Sex marriage- Lot of digging around
planned parenthood- no statement
Gay adoption- looked into LDS family services- Adoption criteria and previous same sex marrage question indicates a no.
Religious freedom-The Church supports Religious freedom, but also encourages fairness for all. A simple yes was the closest answer available.

Capital punishment, death penalty- No stance

Should the military allow women to serve in combat roles?- looked up Language was gender neutral and did not officially say no, so I gave it a simple "yes" for having no objections.

Found a whole new website just for this topic, but it's not an official church site so I had to drop it.
Instead I found an page which led me to think that the Church wants to encourage "sustainable Energy" That is to say, to use the earth to benefit us, but do so in a way that won't harm it. I answered accordingly.

Economic was difficult. there's plant of church stances on personal finace soI tried to import those, keeping in mind get out of debt and live within your means But the church is pretty mum on most of these.

So few statements...

Finally! Something! Medical marijuana! The Church made a statement this year. Which seems to only support Mary Jane for medical use.

Tumble weed goes by....

Tumblr Weed goes by...

Refugees- The church seems to be pretty gung-ho about this so I put down that they want to accept more refugees.
Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?- I put "Yes, just like U.S. citizens, terrorists should be given a fair trial in federal courts" Going back to the Church's "fairness for all" stance referenced earlier.

Should the military be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, to gain information from suspected terrorists?--According to a Deseret news article the Church made a statement that said "The church "condemns inhumane treatment of any person under any circumstances," said church spokesman Dale Bills. "The church has not taken a position on any proposed legislative or administrative actions regarding torture.""
So I gave it a simple no

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?-- an article  was sympathetic to both sides, so I chose We should give equal support to Israel and Palestine.

Did my best but I'm just a little guy over here, doin' my best to do my best.

Should the federal government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?--Yes, but with exceptions for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines
The church has it's own vaccination programs so I assumed they'd support it, but also respect religious liberty

Whew! What an ordeal! Now all to do is wait for the test results.
I can't wait to see which severed politician head is my dream date! This is the second weirdest episode of The Dating Game I've ever seen.

Well now this was a surprise.

Apparently, according to my totally unscientific study, if the Church was a person who could vote they would vote for Donald Trump, but only just barely.
I had to skip a lot of questions, so that probably threw everything out of wack but on the points that the Church has spoken out on it looks like it agrees with both Hillary and Trump at the same rate but favoring the Don by just one percentage point.
Here's the entire page if you want to look at it:
And the Link, I think.
Basically the jist of it is that the Church as a person would probably vote for Trump if they chose to focus just on the issues, but they wouldn't be terribly enthused about it and it would be a close call between him and Hillary.
Interesting stuff, but also likely wildly inaccurate.
If you readers come up with a better answer with better research then by all means let me know in the comments.
Also, don't forget to study the issues, make a choice, and vote for yourself come November. If you don't then I will release a literal swarm of bees into your house.
"The Deseret Party: We don't make threats. We make promises!"

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