Saturday, October 3, 2015

General Conference Priesthood Session

Preisthood Session on a Mobile Device, baby. Because if I don't I'll sleep all through it.

Neil L. Andersen 😀
Faith is a real thing that is always in action either increasing or decreasing. Which it does is a choice. Faith is no accident. Again, "Know what leads you forward and what leads you back."
Father is action. Not intellectual.
Read the Book of Mormon to increase faith. Righteous actions increase faith and give it solid grounding.
Also again, we are meant to act, not be acted upon.

Randel K. Bennett 😺
1. Do what we did as children. Move towards our ( heavenly) parents.
2. God makes sure that we get out what we put in. The Sabbath is the Lord's gift to us.
3. Don't give up or be lazy. Faithful action leads to divine assistance. You were created that you might have joy.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf 🔥
Stay true to your faith. Even if you get 'flamed', it probably won't be as bad as Daniel in Babylon. Remain faithful and in your time of need God will protect you. All faith has to start somewhere. Since faith is a principal of action, it requires consistent action to work. Don't be a 'Sunday Christian'. Daily practice the gospel. We believe in God based on what we know rather that what we doubt.
Cynicism and doubting is not cool or fun. Anyone can choose to believe. They just need to be patient and work for it.
Just because you choose not to see the light doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Scepticism is easy. Faith is worthwhile.
Be not afraid only believe.

Henry B. Eyering 👓
When you do your part the Lord adds His power to your efforts. All priesthood holders need reassurance in their callings. Know the importance of your calling.

President Monson 🙌
Keep the commandments. They aren't there just to make your life hard. They are there to allow us to receive blessing from being obedient and lead us to happiness.
The devil seeks to destroy us. Be strong and alert to anything that would threaten your eternal goals. The commandments were God given and cannot be changed. The effects of obeying or disobeying them also cannon be changed.
If you have stumbled and fallen, repentance is possible. It can be a slow and painful process but it is worth it.
Live worthy to carry the priesthood.

Whew! Made it! Now to waste time on reddit go home and sleep. 😪

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