Sunday, October 4, 2015

General Conferance Sunday Morning 2015

Sunday Morning Session thoughts. Heeeeerrrrrreeeeeeee we go!

President Monson
"Let your light so shine"

Be an example. Live you life in to the best of your abilities. This doesn't mean to be perfect just to follow Christ.
"Faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other." You cannot serve two masters. Usually we understand that to mean that you cannot serve God and Greed, but it has many other applications. You cannot seek happiness and misery. Faith is light and doubt is darkness. in order for one to exist, the other must be removed.
Stand out, be different, receive light.

"Love, Love, Love l-l-love, makes the world go 'round"

"The Lord has said ‘love one another as I have loved you’. I am confident there is no mistake you could make…that would cause him to stop loving you."  Christ's love is unattached love. It is not dependent on our actions. It's like the Sunshine. Though we can hide from it we cannot ever extinguish it. It contiunes reaching for us intently and purposfully.

"We are to reach out to our fellowman in love to invite, persuade, serve, and to rescue. … Jesus Christ looked past people’s rank, ethnicity and circumstances in order to teach them profound truth." Our love for others should relfect the unattached love of Christ. Love without stings attached.


"Anchor yourselves in the gospel of Jesus Christ" Once again, we need some sort of grounding or center which we can use to find balance in life. Balance will facilitate our happiness.

Dale G. Renlund
"What's up, doc?"

Avoid emotional distance. We are here to feel. Feelings are meant to be felt, don't suppress or ignore them. they are part of you as much as you hands and feet (apologies to any readers without those). Love others and be filled with the pure love of Christ. "We cannot mourn with those that mourn or comfort those that stand in need of comfort unless we see them through Heavenly Father’s eyes."

Russle M. Nelson
"All the Mormon Ladies, All the Mormon Ladies"

The women of the church are needed to help build up the church. Men and women are different in many important and necessary ways. Women are necessary to the church

Gregory A. Schwitzer
"Play us a song Piano man"

True disciples don't make excuses for the gospel. They testify and stand by it. It is often not convenient or comfortable to stand up for Christ.
"One man or woman who is willing to testify when the world is going in the opposite direction can make a difference."

Claudio R. M. Costa
"There's always that one that makes getting a clever quote and picture difficult."

"The sacrament is a time for our Heavenly Father to teach us about the Atonement of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and for us to receive revelation about it." Meditate on the sacrament prayer. It is not repeated each week just for kicks and giggles. It is something we need to think about each week. Meditate during sacrament. Be mindful during the Sabbath.

Henry B. Eyering
"Just DO IT!"

Having the spirit to be with us always lets us recognize truth. Act on promptings. “When you demonstrate your willingness to obey, the Spirit will send you more impressions of what God would have you do.”

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