Saturday, February 7, 2015

Put on the Chakras of God

Recently I tried a chakra meditation. Chakras, for those of you not in the know are positions on the body where, according to certain ancient meditative practices, energy pools and converges. Each school has a different idea of where these chakras are and what the represent. The guided meditation I used seemed to agree with this school. The meditation was very good and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but there were a few things that I didn't like. Namely, it wasn't Mormon enough.

Close, but not really.

So, I thought I'd restructure the chakras into something use Mormons are familiar with. The closest parallel I could find was the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17). So, here's my restructuring.

First there are about 7 chakras.

  1. Crown. Located on the top of the head and deals with understanding.
  2. Third eye. Located between the eyes. Deals with perception and intuition.
  3. Throat. (Gee I wonder were that one is). Associated with communication.
  4. Heart. Located in the center of the chest. Focuses on love and compassion.
  5. Solar Plexus. Located behind the belly button. deals with power and will.
  6. Sacral. located in the middle of the hips. Focuses on sexual desire, pleasure, and procreation.
  7. Root. Located at the tip of the tailbone. Deals with basic survival desires (food, shelter, security).

With the Armor of God there are six parts.
  1. Helmet of Salvation
  2. Breastplate of Righteousness
  3. Sword of Truth
  4. Shield of Faith
  5. Belt of Truth (loins girded)
  6. Feet shod with Peace
Now to compile the two. 
  • The Helmet of Salvation absorbs the Crown and 3rd eye chakras and encompasses the entire head. It focuses on what we think and know and our perceptions of the world. We should make sure that our thoughts and perceptions are in harmony with the concept of salvation. Not only knowing what needs to be done to achieve salvation, but also to see the world around you as something worth saving.
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness replaces the Solar Plexus chakra and covers the torso down to the hips. While the Solar Plexus chakra focuses on merely acting and doing, the Breastplate focuses on acting and doing righteously. 
  • The Sword of Truth takes the place of the throat chakra and is moves to your dominant hand (if you're ambidextrous just pick one and stick with it). The sword is the only thing here that is intended to extend, just as our words extend to others. We must speak truth and dispel lies. 
  • The Shield of Faith takes the place of the Heart chakra and is placed in the unused hand. Faith is at times, the only defense we have against certain attacks. This is essentially our testimony. What we know through the spirit. 
  • The Belt of Truth replaces the Sacral chakra. It covers the hips and groin area. It still focuses on sexual desire, pleasure, and procreation but with a noticeable change; it focuses on the truth about sexual desire and the like. Satan has spared no expesnse at confusing and spreading lies about sex and desire. The best defence for this is to learn the truth about those things and to use the power and engery of those desires responsibly and properly. 
  • Finally the Boots of Gospel Peace. This replaces the Root chakra and is located in the feet and lower leg. The feet are our foundation and represent our most basic goals. This is like the rock the wise man built on. We must focus our goals and foundation on the Gospel.
Here's a suggested cleansing meditation using the Armors.
As always, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you can be undisturbed and you won't fall asleep. Close your eyes (if you want) and start breathing.
First get into a meditative state with a few deep, relaxing breaths. As you breath imagine that you are breathing in clean, pure air and breathing out any negativity and uncleanliness. In breaths are accepting the Atonement into your life and out breaths are Christ pulling impurities from you.
Next pick any of the six Armors to start with. You can start with where you need the most help or where you need the least help. You can also just start at the top and go to the bottom or vise-versa. It's up to you. Once you know which Armor you will start with focus on that area. As you breath, think about why you need that armor and how you have used it in the past. Imagine that the pure cleansing air you breath in goes straight to that area and as you breath out any flaws or dents or scuffs on your armor are pulled away and bit by bit the armor becomes stronger and more polished. 
Continue polishing your armor until you are satisfied and then move on to the next one. Once you have gone though all the Armors take a few more deep cleansing breaths, imagining that the purity travels throughout your whole body and breath out any negativity and uncleanliness. Gently open you eyes  and come out of the meditative state.

So, there's my thoughts for the day. But I still don't know what to call this thing, maybe the Armors meditations? Any suggestions?

Namaste, y'all,


  1. Thank you Michael! I really enjoyed your analysis comparing the Armor of God with the Chakra System. Great work!

  2. How about "armor polishing meditations"?

    This was extremely helpful and succinct. Thank you!

  3. I like it, it really is like an armor to protect energetically from evil.

  4. i wonder thats why i ofton make things for it to then ge t"Stolen" since im not rich i make up a name or soe mthing and cant copyright it (requires money and power) and then i see an object with THE NAME that I HAD COME UP WITH owned by some random company when i made it YEARS BEFORE. and then cases where several come up wuith same idea at same time.
