Saturday, February 14, 2015


I've been thinking a lot about what to write about this week. I wondered if I should write about current events in the Mormon world, but I figured that I don't have enough followers who are worried about Brother Dehlin to justify that. I also thought about geeking out about the meditative prowess of Enos, but I figured I would save that for later.
Finally I decided to talk a little about a certain holiday coming up real soon...that's right, National Flag Day (Canada)!  Valentines Day!
Or rather, I want to talk on the theme of love..kind of...just bear with me for a while.
Yep, I went there. I'm sorry I'm not sorry.

Now, I'm kind of a quiet, reserved person. Actually I'm a very quiet and reserved person. And I can definitely support what they say, it's always the quiet one you need to worry about. But not because we'll go postal on everyone. It's because quiet people tend to notice a lot more than you think.
So, here's a few things I've noticed.
1. Nobody sits quietly and listens to the prelude music at sacrament meeting. Everyone talks during the prelude music. That's just sad to me. Especially in my current ward, we have some extremely talented people who play glorious and uplifting music before the meeting. It's tragic to me to think that while they could be cleansing their minds and souls in preparation to commune with their Savior they instead choose to talk about the latest episode of The Bachelor. Don't get me wrong, though, I get it. People are social and like to talk with each other. It's entirely healthy and normal. There are also quite a few conversations at that time that are important and entirely appropriate. But far too often the chatter becomes a noisy din of gibberish that becomes so loud on can't even hear themselves think. I'm sure everyone would agree with me when I say that nobody should ever be denied the the ability to think, especially in a church. I get a little upset with this not only because of how important it is that we sit and meditate before the sacrament, but also because this is such an easy problem to fix. If you want to talk with friends, arrive a few minutes earlier and talk in the foyer, or hold off on talking to them for an hour, or perhaps just lower your voice to a whisper. Watch yourself and what you do in the minutes leading up to sacrament meeting and you will see who you love more, the Savior or your friends.
2. People don't talk to people they don't really know. I often hear stories about how friendly our churches are. How everyone is so warm and friendly. I honestly can't say that I ever experienced that. I suppose it's because people see me and, knowing that I tend to keep to myself, assume that I prefer it that way and leave me alone. At times I do want to just be with my thoughts, but other times I desperately want somebody to just talk to me. I would just like to point out to anybody reading this that the people who need to see kindness the most will never say so. Speaking for myself, I've worked though many problems on my own and often approach my problems with the mentality that this is something I will have to deal with on my own. I wish I didn't have to think like that, I wish there was another option, I wish that some outgoing soul who can hear the Spirit's voice would just give me a little encouragement. I don't know how many others find themselves in a similar situation and I shudder to think how many of those have had their faith and hope crushed under burdens that could have been lightened. Being alone has made me stronger and taught me to rely on Christ and the Spirit for support, but still, I wish that just one person who is willing to cheer me on.

I think the main problem is that we don't really think about why we do or don't do the things we do. But we really need to. God filled our heads with think meat for us to use it. So I would encourage you to take the time in your meditations to think about how you show your love and who you show your love to.

Now, if you made it all the way to the bottom of the post here, congratulations! You're reward is...a small sense of accomplishment. Also you get to read about the site's new E-mail address If you have any questions, concerns, ideas for future topics, fiery rebukes, watery rebukes, etc. send them there. or use the new thing-a-majig on the side of the page.
Namaste y'all

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