Saturday, April 2, 2016

General Conference Saturday Evening Session April 2016

Letz Do dis! My 'notes' for General Conference Saturday Evening Session April 2016

Ronald A. Rasband
Questions are an indication of a further desire to learn to add to the truths we already know. Some of my most effective meditation sessions and prayers have been when I have actively had a question I wanted to answer. I received the answers through what I have already learned or, sometimes I have been lead to realize that the question I came up with is not the question I need to ask.
Are you standing with the leaders of the church in this darkening world? When I have trouble meditating I need to chose just one thing that is steady and solid to focus on. Wen we are being distracted and troubled in life we need to focus on something steady.

Ronald A. Anderson
Children have believing hearts and spiritual gifts. In particular they have a tenderness and humility that can grow in even the least ideal situations. That is how we should all be. Our spiritual success is not based on our circumstances. It is based entirely on you, independent of whatever goes on around you.
We need to be kind and reach out to those who need help, or even those who don't need help. Just reach out.

Mervy B. Arnold
Going to the rescue, You can do it. 1. Do not delay going to the rescue. We must have a sense of urgency. 2.Take the time. We must have patience. Urgency and patience are not mutually exclusive and there is a middle path available. 3. How great must be your joy if you bring only one soul unto Christ. This is knowing the true worth of a soul. A soul has infinite potential. Even when it is held in a crude mortal body. "Nameste" means 'The divine in me recognizes the divine in you"
4. No matter our age we are all called to go to the rescue.

Jarrio Mazzagardi
If you have questions, do not give up. Follow Joseph Smith's example. Ask for wisdom from God. While listening to the testimonies of other is great, you need to build up your own.

David A. Bednar
Retain a remission of our sins. In  the Gospel it doesn't really matter if you fall down, but what does matter is getting up.
Ordinations are sacred acts that have spiritual power. We should approach them mindfully and meditatively. Bednar talks about the baptismal covenant which is renewed in the sacrament. Think about your sacrament meeting. The passing and partaking of the sacrament is meant to be a time to meditate and contemplate this covenant and increase it's power to give you peace.

M Russel Ballard
Family Councils. Even in families personalities can vary. This is a great opportunity to use a family council to help solve problems. Just because two or more people have different approaches to life doesn't mean that they have nothing to offer each other or that they need to be opposed to each other. I've always thought that it is better to have allies rather than enemies.
But a Family council is really just group meditation on a topic. Just as individuals need to take time to figure things out, so do family groups.

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